miércoles, marzo 02, 2011


Este jueves, viernes y Sábado en el teatro Pradillo puedes ver LA VIDA IMAGINARIA DE BONNY & CLIDE, obra dirigida y escrita por Darío Facal y Peru Saizprez.

Lee la crítica que salió en EL PAÍS la semana pasada http://www.elpais.com/articulo/madrid/Imaginando/Bonnie/26/Clyde/elpepiespmad/20110226elpmad_15/Tes


Blogger Selfless said...

I personally scrolled and perfected my cane with 10att primes and a +25% supervisor dmg nebulite (trashy unique pot however).My carte finale is legendary with two lines of +30% boss and a +25% supervisor dmg neb... Even with those"adequate" equips, per boss, PDR, and range of Maplestory m mesos for sale, I CAN'T DO CRAP -> NW's with around my range with FAR less PDR and %boss can solo tough magnus and hellux >_> based on cherrytigers (really financed ghost ), he could barely Royal hellux with 1.8m variety CLEAN with 90% PDR and 300% manager...

- I like the phantom class and have so many memories attached to it... but let's face it: my actual goal is that I want to be able to solo tough mag and hellux to"self finance" my other personalities and it looks like it requires WAYYYY less effort to deliver a NW to that level Instead of some phantom

What are your ideas? Any idea on how much my primary and items can market? - maplestory2 mesos, buy now!

8:15 a. m.  

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